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Costco All-Stars











We could not be more humbled by the generosity and positive energy put into this years campaign that came from all the warehouses, their teams & members. Costco, you truly went above and beyond for the kids. We are excited to share that in the month of May, Costco warehouses supporting Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare, raised nearly $500,000! What an INCREDIBLE milestone and achievement! Thanks to Costco’s amazing fundraising efforts we are able to provide much needed services and adaptive equipment to patients like Maya, so they are able to live a long and happy life, and get back to being kids!


When Maya was about a year old the Xiong family noticed she started missing milestones. “When Maya started to lose the ability to walk we became really concerned and took her to Gillette,” Her father Wang recalls. Upon arriving to the hospital, Maya was diagnosed with infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy (INAD), a rare genetic condition.

Maya’s care team is focused on improving her quality of life and allowing her to reach her potential by utilizing adaptive equipment to help her communicate with her family and peers!


On behalf of the entire Gillette Children’s team and patient families, like the Xiong family, thank you for your steadfast support of CMN Hospitals year over year. We could not provide world-renown care without partners like you!